Churches offer their local communities wellbeing opportunities at every stage and situation of life. This page lists some of the community initiatives provided by or supported by our churches.

Bargain Box
Drop in on Fridays between at St Martin of Tours in Basildon for a bargain or two, cuppa and chat. See here for more information.
The Next Chapter is a bereavement group for all bereaved people, whether they have lost a husband, wife, brother or sister. It is a social group to meet with others who have suffered a loss, to have a coffee and chat and make new friends. They meet socially once a month on the second Saturday in the month at 10.30am in Emmanuel Hall, by Emmanuel Church on Laindon Road.
See here for more information.

Check out the Toddler Groups held at Christ Church Billericay, the Parish of Langdon Hills, St Catherine’s Wickford and St John’s Outwood Common.
St John’s Childcare, based at St John’s Langdon Hills, works in partnership with parents to ensure children receive the best possible start to their educational journey. They have 5 rooms ranging from 12 months to 12 years and a spacious garden encouraging children to develop and explore. They offer an outstanding educational programme, including their School-ready Programme, ensuring children have the best possible start to their educational journey. For more information see here.
The Diocese of Chelmsford supports 138 richly diverse Church Schools across the diocese. From the inner-city boroughs of East London, to rural villages within the Essex countryside. In the Basildon Deanery are St Margaret’s Church of England Academy and The Wickford Church of England School.
NexGen is a free kids club for 7 to 11 year olds at St John’s Langdon Hills. The club runs from 6pm – 8pm on the last Saturday of each month. Club evenings involve structured activities, games, crafts and more for the kids to enjoy, have fun and make new friends. For more information see here. The Parish of Langdon Hills also has a number of Girl Guiding, and Scout groups. See here for more information.
Community Cafés
If you are looking for a community café, then check out Café on the Common at St John’s Outwood Common in Billericay, Cornerstone Café at Christ Church Billericay, or St Andrew’s Café at St Andrew’s Basildon.
Café on the Common provides lunch facilities with a friendly touch every Thursday from 12 noon to 2pm. Check out their menu by clicking here.
Cornerstone Café serves toast, teacakes, crumpets, snacks, teas and coffees from 8.45 am to 12 noon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. See here for more information.
St Andrew’s Café provides community snacks (9.00 – 10.30 am), community lunches (10.30 am – 1.00 pm 2nd and 4th Thursdays) and a community cupboard (9.00 – 10.30 am) on Thursdays. Click here for more information.
There are also Coffee Mornings in the Parishes of Langdon Hills and Wickford and Runwell (Wednesdays from 10.00 am at St Mary’s Runwell, Saturdays from 9.00 am at St Andrew’s Wickford and, on the 1st Saturday, at St Catherine’s Wickford).

Debt Centres
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a Charity which started helping people to get out of debt in 1996, they help hundreds of people each year through a professional service offered from 250 CAP debt centres across the Country. The Basildon Debt Centre covers Basildon, Laindon, Pitsea, Wickford and parts of Rayleigh. Since the Centre started, 10 years ago, it has helped 98 families clear debts totalling £1.7M.
The Centre is run by Rachael Phillips, Centre Manager. Rachael’s role is to meet with families in Basildon, referred to her by CAP, working with each family to set a realistic budget that prioritizes the essential bills. CAP then negotiates affordable payments with each creditor to stop unfair interest and charges where possible. Rachael explains the budget to the families and payments that will need to be made via CAP to their creditors. This CAP plan enables families to pay their bills and debt repayments until they are debt free, a time of celebration. Rachael is supported in this role by befrienders, volunteers drawn from local Churches.
For contact details and more information click here.
Employment and training
Supported by local churches, New Life Wood is a registered charity aimed at relieving unemployment and poverty. Their wood recycling project engages, through risk assessed referral systems from prisons and mental health organisations, appropriate people to work on the project for three months to obtain certificates in courses/modules detailed below and the opportunity to obtain a written reference on their performance to enable to apply for jobs. In addition, this experience gives people a starting point not only to earn a living but also positively impacts on their struggles against poverty.
Their product range of hand-crafted wood products includes: Bird tables and nest boxes; Crates; Planters; Mobile phone and pen holders; Bug hotels; Hedgehog homes; Squirrel feeders; Wine racks; Chopping boards; and much more. See here for more information.

Church supported foodbanks exist in Billericay, and Wickford. For more information see Billericay and Wickford. The Community Cupboard is available most Thursdays between 9:00am and 10:30am at St Andrew’s Basildon.
A monthly market with crafts and refreshments is held at St Mary Magdalen Billericay, the Church on the High Street. See here for more information.

Mothers Union
The Mothers’ Union is a worldwide organization with over 4 million members in 83 countries and its vision is for faith and families. There are branches in Billericay, Great Burstead and Wickford.
Older Adults
Anna’s Place is at Christ Church Billericay on Tuesdays between 10.30 am and 2.00 pm. It includes coffee, refreshments, activities, music and lunch. See here for more information.
Mid-Week Breakers (over 60s Club) meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in each month, except in August, at St John’s Outwood Common. Their aim is to have interesting and informative talks, occasional quizzes, social events and outings, but most of all, to build friendships and enjoy fellowship with one another. See here for more information.
The Rendezvous 50+ group meets every week on Thursdays from 10.00am to 11.30am at St John’s Langdon Hills. There are a variety of short talks or presentations which usually happen every other week at the group. See here for more information.

Rail and Street Pastors
Street pastors are trained volunteers from local churches who care about their community. They usually patrol at night to care for, listen to and help people who are out on the streets. They are led by local coordinators and have support from local churches and community groups in partnership with the police, local council and other statutory agencies. Rail Pastors patrol on the railways. Street Pastors operate in Basildon and Billericay.
The Table
The Table brings church and community together and is be found in or outside the Basildon Bell Tower in Basildon Market from 9.00am till 3.30pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Buy gifts for loved ones, find information and local services, discuss your fears and concerns, talk and be listened to, pray and be prayed for, find friends, share your skills and talents.

Young people
…discuss… is a youth discussion group meeting monthly on Fridays from 7.00 pm at the St Andrew’s Centre in Wickford. All discussion topics are chosen by the group and all teens and twenties are welcome. For more information click here.